Updated El Niño Precipitation and Temperature Anomaly Maps I have updated the climatologies of previous El Niño precipitation and temperature anomaly maps, with all new graphics and now using "percent of normal" data. For example, below are the precipitation anomaly maps for the last two strong El Niño's; highlighting that even with a specific ENSO category there can be very large differences. PRECIPITATION - https://ggweather.com/enso2023/us_elnino_precip.htmlTEMPERATURE - https://ggweather.com/enso2023/us_elnino_temp.htmlENSO Resource Page - https://ggweather.com/enso.htmJan Null, CCMCertified Consulting MeteorologistGolden Gate Weather ServicesEmail: jnull@ggweather.comWeb: http://ggweather.comTwitter: @ggweather