PG&E and SoCal Edison Mesonets

In recent months both Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) and Southern California Edison (SCE) have been installing extensive weather station networks. Primarily mounted on utility poles they gather wind, temperature and humidity data every 10 minutes. Currently PG&E has about 100 stations online and SCE about 70 stations; and it is my understanding that more are being installed. (San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) has had a similar mesonet of about 150 stations for about 5 years) The data is available on MesoWest and on via NWS graphical interface. However, neither MesoWest or the NWS page let's one parse out just these mesonets, so I have put together a couple pages, both in tabular and map/graphical form.

PG&E: Table, Map 
SCE: TableMap
SDG&E mesonet
These have both been added to the Mesonet section on my Meteorologist Links page.

Enjoy and please let me know of any comments or suggestions.

Jan Null, CCM
Certified Consulting Meteorologist
Golden Gate Weather Services