Warm August Caps Warm Summer Over Most of California - Lots of SF Records

Warm August Caps Warm Summer Over Most of California - Lots of SF Records


Most major cities across California had warmer than normal maximum and minimum temperatures both for August and for entire summer (i.e., June, July, August). 

August saw average monthly maxima ranging from rigth at normal  at Fresno to 3.7 above normal at San Franciso and 4.2 above normal at San Diego. Only San Jose was cooler than normal with a  -0.2 degree anomaly.  The average monthly minima had even warmer anomalies.  San Francisco's average monthly minimum was 5.1 degrees above normal, with the 60.2 degrees smashing the previous record of 58.2 set just last year. Elsewhere average monthly minima were  1.4 (Fresno) to 3.7 (Los Angeles) degrees above normal.  See http://ggweather.com/calif/aug2015.htm 

Summer (JJA) was also almost universally warmer than normal, again with San Jose being the outlier. Redding was the warmest with a summertime maximum anomaly of 4.2 degrees above normal, followed by San Diego at 3.0 above normal.   Redding and San Francisco had the warmest June-July-August average minimum anomalies with +4.8 and +3.7 degrees respectively.  http://ggweather.com/calif/summer2015.htm 


San Francisco's warm August saw 16 new daily records.  A new record max of 90 degrees was set on August 16th. But it was the 15 new or tied record high minimums that were pretty eye-catching. See the just updated SF Daily Almanac at http://ggweather.com/sf/almanac.html#August  for details.

Jan Null, CCM
Golden Gate Weather Services